Radiant yoga
Radiant yoga

I call it the "one word mantra" or gem you can come back to for focus or energy. It becomes less about a direct tangible goal, then it is about creating the type of energy you want from your practice that day. In my yoga classes, we set our intention at the beginning of each class. It's almost the end of January and I have to ask, how are those resolutions coming? Are you keeping them or have you given up? How about replacing that dreaded "R" word with a better one.Intention. Combine this practice with breathwork and meditation, and you'll have a powerful tool to manage depression at this time of year.īelow are some links for more information for S.A.D. Try holding these poses in a supportive way for 5-20 minutes.

radiant yoga

They allow you to go deeper and offer benefits in a much subtler way. Restorative yoga poses, while sounding too restful, actually can help with S.A.D. But you can also turn to your yoga practice as well. Something about the smell of citrus wakes me up. While I haven't tried those and do not recommend a tanning bed, per se, I have tried simpler methods, like eating foods that perk me up a bit, like oranges or grapefruit. Some people may even go to a tanning bed to get the light and vitamin D their body is craving. Light therapy or light boxes seem to be a traditional way. There are quite a few remedies for S.A.D. I don't have as much energy or motivation and can feel out of sorts and even irritable. For me, I know I feel much different at this time of year when the light and warmth leave and is replaced by the dark and coldness of winter. It can start from the fall months and go all the way through the winter into March. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that occurs the same time every year. I am aiming to blog a couple of times a month becasue of my demanding schedule, so feel great.

#Radiant yoga full

Maybe that pose will turn into 2 or 3 and before you know it, you've got a full practice going. The point is if you are crazy busy like me, start with one pose. I may not have time to do a long full practice, but maybe I can do a few sun salutations or sit in a twist.

radiant yoga

It's finding the balance in everything and about getting a groove going. With my second quarter starting, my practice is back, I am meditating more and taking it all in stride. But.I am still out there with the intention of my practice.Īll of the health things really did wake me up and it forced me to prioritize what I needed to do and how I needed to do it. I have high blood pressure, anxiety, sleeplessness, etc. And stressed from working full time and the demanding school schedule and teaching and oh did I mention, I am learning Reiki at the same time? My yoga practice didn't abandon me. But the very thing that I want to turn to in times of stress, is actually causing me the most stress!! Love the irony of it all. It's amazing that I started this journey to become a licensed massage therapist in addition to teaching yoga to help others relax, stay fit, de-stress. My last blog was about school starting and well, school is crazy demanding. Optional Experiences: ​ Group Tours/Excursions- Kayaking, Hiking, Sail/Snorkel Tour, Zihuatanejo City Tour.I know what you are 's been a while since I've written. The combination of cacao and sound is a relaxing and beautiful experience. Cacao is a gentle heart opening plant medicine.

  • Cacao/Sound Healing- A cacao and sound healing ceremony will be provided by Adriana.
  • Additional yoga classes- Included are additional yoga classes at Present Moment led by local instructors.
  • Airport Transfer to and from the Zihuatanejo/Ixtapa (ZIH) airport is provided.
  • 1 massage- Includes one body massage offered by a therapist from Present Moment.
  • Release baby turtles on the beach at sunset.
  • Turtle Release- An unforgettable experience.
  • 1 Group Surf Lesson- Includes board rental, transportation and an instructor.
  • Dinner at Present Moment- 5 nights of gourmet dinners (food allergy substitutes available).
  • radiant yoga

    Breakfast, Coffee/Tea- Locally sourced breakfasts (Does not include lattes or other specialty drinks, juices or smoothies).Daily Yoga & Meditation offered by Felicity & Adriana.Eat delicious cuisine, including fresh caught seafood, creative vegan designs, scrumptious Mexican fare and much more. Get to know the local community of healers, raw foodies, surfers, artists, and activists. Deepen your daily practices with inspirational and nurturing classes. Yoga & Surf Retreat Troncones, Mexico April 2-9, 2022 at Present Moment RetreatĮxperience the raw beauty, warm ocean, and epic views of Troncones.

    Radiant yoga